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Thursday, January 5, 2017

Words to the Ever-Wiser: YOU are Your Own Best Medical Advocate!


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Words to the Ever-Wiser: 

The other day my general practice doctor questioned why I'd requested a blood test for my hemoglobin and a few other blood chemistry levels following the unanticipated loss of blood during my hand surgery this month. 

I responded: "I used to be a medical coder. Anyone in that profession would know of the necessity to check blood levels following significant blood loss. Since follow-up surgery is scheduled in a few weeks from now, we need to know FAST that my body can safely endure it!"

He wrote the hall pass for the blood test after saying "Ah, you know what you're talking about."  I took it this morning as nurses carefully checked to fill each necessary vial with my red stuff. Hat tip to my dear friend and fantastic nurse, Terri , who reminded me to have the blood check done.

Life Lesson: Find out relevant facts about your medical situations and be proactive regarding your medical care. Doctors lack time to do much more than check boxes, patients and time slips. YOU are your own best advocate.

Read all about that in 

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