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A Health Information Management professional, I survived a life-threatening emergency with information that only a person of my professional experience would know. And I’m sharing it!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Boosting Your Brain Power - Deliciously!


2 Iyar, 5775

I'm delighted to share some food news with you: 8 Nutrients that Protect the Aging Brain.

Those foods protect all brains since each of us ages with every passing moment. 

Want more good news to go with those blueberries and chocolate?

A mom reached out to me the other day, pleading for help. Her little girl has developed Trigeminal Neuralgia, and suffers excruciating pain shooting through her face at unpredictable intervals.

I responded by sharing the  list of pain-fighting foods listed in

EMPOWER Yourself to Cope with a Medical Challenge.

I eat them regularly, leaving my medical team impressed that I suffer ZERO pain though my trigeminal nerve was nicked during life-saving surgery

I do experience come-and-go numbness and the occasional difficulty at pronouncing words correctly, but never pain.

I invite you to boost your brain power with even more foods than those mentioned in the above article. 

Read EMPOWER Yourself to Cope with a Medical Challenge and learn how to end other types of pain such as Charlie Horses aka severe leg cramps, back pain and fracture pain, among other problems - without medication.

Buy the E-book or print edition of EMPOWER Yourself to Cope with a Medical Challenge. The content tastes great!

Face Your Medical Problems with Dignity. Face Your Future with Optimism.

Fill your life with pleasantries.

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