Save your sanity, time & money!

Need solutions for the medication, medical appliances and/or medical travel that you can't afford? READ EMPOWER Yourself.

A Health Information Management professional, I survived a life-threatening emergency with information that only a person of my professional experience would know. And I’m sharing it!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Make a Game of Your Healing and Coping Efforts. And WIN!


26 Tamuz, 5772

There's a two-part question coming up for you, if you’ve heard me speak in live appearances. Question 1) Remember what happened when that medical specialist predicted a bleak future for me? I slammed the door on her as I said “Hold that thought,” while envisioning a better life for myself.

This snippet of the story
jog your memory
about the incident.

Then I literally invented my recovery plan and treated it as a game to play. I had NOTHING to lose in that venture; Not one doctor in the world knew how to help me to see again. Not even specialists.

Then I delivered a SHOCK to the medical world after my healing game plan was in high gear: I began to see though I’d been blinded in a way for which NO known recovery methods yet existed.

Here’s the scientific answer to why my determination to succeed, in a way specialists had never heard of, paid off so handsomely:

Question 2) Ready to learn more about how to play SuperBetter Games?

Mimic the can-do calming tips in EMPOWER Yourself to Cope with a Medical Challenge at Booklocker Publishing.

Those techniques gave a once-blind, 
“probably gonna die soon” me 
the chance to see.

The result of all my calming effort (yes, calming down is a bit of work) and "Invent my healing program as I go" energy is this: My vision and overall health keep improving.

I'm also blessed with a level of health to rival that of women HALF my age!

Despite what I've been through, I love to laugh. I often do.

Read EMPOWER Yourself to Cope with a Medical Challenge. Let me know which techniques work for you.

Go on, make your coping life fun!

Find out how to feel more spiritual, too, while you struggle and muddle through your medical, mental health and/or disability mess (Hat Tip to The One Above. The possibilities for you are limitless!). 

Nobody can guarantee the results for your health. But one thing is certain: Emotional recoveries trump physical limitations and stark realities.

Begin playing SuperBetter Games
to heal and to help yourself
or someone you love.

Click here to buy it from Booklocker Publishing.
Remember: Let me know which techniques work for you (giveretgolani @

And tip your hat to The One Above. Emotional recoveries trump physical limitations and stark realities.

 Buy the E-book or print edition to EMPOWER Yourself to Cope with a Medical Challenge

Face Your Medical Problems with Dignity.
Face Your Future with Optimism.

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